The National Business Identity Crime Prevention Initiative
The National Business Identity Crime Prevention Initiative (NBICPI) is designed to provide up-to-date information and aid to businesses as they face the risks associated with identity theft, privacy, and protection of assets.
If you are a university or college administrator, involved with K-12 education, or have teenagers of your own, these programs are for you. Contact the NTICAI to learn more.
Identity crimes can impact a business in two ways. A business itself may become a victim of identity thieves who impersonate a business and use its good name and credit to obtain products and/or services or for other financial gains. Additionally, a business can become an identity theft victim when an identity criminal uses a fraudulent identity to buy goods and/or services with no intention of paying for them.
The National Business Identity Crime Prevention Initiative offers online and offline education, seminars, and consultations to help companies prevent exposure to identity theft, protect corporate reputation and assets, and provide guidance and aid if a business does become a victim of identity criminals. We have access to a wide variety of information that we are eager to share with the business community. Much of this information can be found on our website, and we welcome questions and comments in our specialized forums.
In addition, the Initiative is happy to link businesses with the specific experts they need to help them address identity crime issues. Our experts are knowledgeable in all facets of identity crime, but if there is a special need, finding the right professional is easily accomplished.