Evading the Law
Stolen identity information can be used by criminals to avoid debt collection procedures or prosecution for other crimes. For example, an individual may be stopped for a traffic violation or DWI, and instead of giving his/her own name, the name and other identity stolen from another person are given to law enforcement. In short, criminals impersonate someone else in order to evade authorities.
If you are a university or college administrator, involved with K-12 education, or have teenagers of your own, these programs are for you. Contact the NTICAI to learn more.
In some cases, criminals may have false state-issued documents that were made using the identity information of others, which they then present to authorities as their own. When the deception succeeds, the criminal is free of the charge, while the victim may end up with a criminal record; they may even go to prison for crimes they never committed.
Travel documents obtained with stolen identity information can be used by terrorists and other criminals to cross international borders. In the United States, Social Security numbers are especially prized, since they are the chief identifier used for issuing government documents.